Re­sea­rch Groups

The research of the groups aims to explore the fundamental aspects of nonlinear light-matter interaction in solids and the application of emerging new concepts in novel information- and quantum technologies.

Group III-nitirides for optoelectronics -
Prof. Dr. Donat As

Mesoscopic Quantum Optics -
Jun.-Prof. Tim Bartley

Theoretical Electrical Engineering -
Prof. Dr. Jens Förstner

Sensor Technology -
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Hilleringmann

Soft Matter -
Prof. Dr. Klaus Huber

Liquid Crystals -
Prof. Dr. Heinz Kitzerow

Nanostructure Formation, Nanoanalytics and Photonic Materials -
Prof. Dr. Jörg K.N. Lindner

Nanophotonics and Nanomaterials -
Prof. Dr. Cedrik Meier

Computational Optoelectronics and Photonics -
Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier

Optical Communication and High-Frequency Engineering -
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhold Noé

Optoelectronic Materials and Devices -
Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter

System and Circuit Design -
Prof. Dr. Christoph Scheytt

Many-Body Theory of Solids -
Prof. Dr. Arno Schindlmayr

Theoretical Materials Physics -
Prof. Dr. Wolf Gero Schmidt

Theoretical Optoelectronics and
Photonics -
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schumacher

Theoretical Quantum Optics -
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Polina Sharapova

Integrated quantum optics -
Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn

High Frequency Electronics -
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Thiede

Hybrid Quantum Photonic Devices -
Prof. Dr. Klaus Jöns

Ultrafast Nanophotonics -
Prof. Dr. Thomas Zentgraf


Nanostructure Optoelectronics -
Prof. Dr. Artur Zrenner

Optoelectronic Semiconductors -
Prof. Dr. K. Lischka

Theoretical Electrical Engineering -
Prof. Dr. R. Schuhmann

Integrated Optics -
Prof. Dr. W. Sohler